Why Businesses are Choosing Internet Leased Lines Over Broadband?

Leased Lines

Many people’s business practices have been transformed by the Internet. SMEs are rushing for robust and secure Internet Leased Lines connections to suit their requirements as the manufacturing industry becomes increasingly computerised. Broadbands, on the other hand, have failed them in terms of providing crucial bandwidth connections that are fast, secure, and reliable a problem that is only being compounded by the growing number of cyberattacks.


Manufacturers can now use dedicated connections known as “Internet Leased Lines” to expedite their IT operations and improve customer communication. These are ideal for conducting online transactions, downloading and uploading enormous amounts of data, and continuously running vital applications on a remote server (with utmost security).


Businesses are now turning to additional advanced Internet Leased Line :

connections due to the drawbacks of Broadband connectivity. Due to its improved ways of connecting and undeniable benefits, these lines have become highly popular among businesses.

If you’re seeking the distinctions between a Business leased line and a business broadband connection, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will provide you with the answers to all of your questions.

Let’s start with a definition of Internet Leased Lines:

Internet Leased Lines (ILLs) are dedicated connections set up between ISP exchanges/points of presence (PoPs) and end customers to provide fast, dedicated bandwidth for businesses delivering significant amounts of data. When a business rents an Internet Leased Line, it can send and receive massive volumes of data. The accuracy can be done in the fastest way. 


A leased line varies from broadband in that it is only used by one client at a time, therefore there is no need to share bandwidth. This means that, unlike when using Wi-Fi or any wireless network that relies on people sharing their connection, your business won’t experience any service outages.


Internet Leased Lines are popular with CEOs since they are less expensive per month than comparable DSL or T1 lines and give more bandwidth. As a result, their consumers will receive higher-quality service.


Second, What Exactly Are Broadband Connections?

Broadband internet also offers high-speed internet access via a variety of methods, including fibre optics, ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), and mobile. Broadband’s speed, on the other hand, varies due to its numerous features. The connection can be provided to other people too. 

It isn’t a dedicated link between one’s home and the local exchange.

Broadband connections are asymmetric, which means upload speeds are slower than download speeds and are subject to contention with other users.


Broadband vs. Internet Leased Line

Leased Lines and Broadbands have a number of distinctions. The major distinctions, on the other hand, can be summarised as follows:




SLA is a term that refers to (Service Level Agreement)


  • Contention
  • Latency
  • Scalability
  • Speed


Both Leased Lines and Broadbands advertise ultrafast speeds. On Leased Lines, there is no denying the reality, but the same cannot always be said with Broadband.


Let’s imagine you’ve purchased a Leased Line with a speed of 40Mbps; this is the speed you’ll always get because you’ll be the only one on the network.


When it comes to broadband, however, there’s a good possibility you’ll get slower speeds than advertised. This is due to the fact that the network via which the internet is received is also shared by other users. Unlike Leased Lines, the network is congested.



If you’re wondering what Symmetric means, it simply means that the downloads and uploads are equal. If your download speed is 40Mbps, your upload speed will be 40Mbps as well.


With Leased Lines, your download and upload speeds are the same. Broadband download speeds, on the other hand, are asymmetric due to the high level of competition. This can be a problem when live streaming, uploading large files, taking backups, or other similar tasks.


With Leased Lines, your download and upload speeds are the same. Broadband download speeds, on the other hand, are asymmetric due to the high level of competition. When live streaming, transferring big volumes of data, taking backups, or playing online games, this can be a problem.


SLA is a term that refers  (to Service Level Agreement)

SLA is a promise given by the provider to supply the user with reliable services at all times. Almost all Leased Line operators provide a service level agreement (SLA) of 99.9% or greater. This guarantees that the connection is uncongested and reliable and that monitoring software is installed. It is quite unlikely that the connection would be lost unexpectedly. If this occurs, the supplier will be instantly notified and will make an immediate commitment to rectifying the issue.


Broadband SLAs, on the other hand, vary. These percentages usually range from 95 to 99 per cent. In addition, the time it takes to respond to outages varies greatly based on the terms of the agreement. These can last anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours depending on the severity of the outage. Because the SLA is contingent on you telling the provider of an outage, it’s always a good idea to double-check the agreement specifics.



Contention determines whether or not a person is sharing his connection with others or if he is the only one using it.


Leased lines are an uncongested network in this area. Because you are the only one who has access to the connection, there are no other users. As a result, the link can give super-fast internet.

Broadband, on the other hand, is fighting back.



The time it takes for ongoing action to reply after you click on something is referred to as latency. If any activity you take takes a lengthy time, the latency is likely to be high. The fact that the activities take place instantly indicates that the latency is low.

Low latency is a benefit of leased lines. When you click on a web page, you’ll notice that it loads faster.

Broadband, on the other hand, has a larger latency. As a result, it takes a little longer for web pages to react.


Scalability refers to how easy it is to adjust the amount of bandwidth one receives each month.

The majority of Leased Line connections are expandable. As a result, if the need arises, you can request additional bandwidth.


The majority of Leased Line connections are expandable. That means you can request more bandwidth if the need arises, or you can reduce it if you believe the bandwidth is excessive and not required for your business.

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